Thursday, 10 May 2018

Casting Power (Cast from Power, Book One)

Casting Power
by Sasha Leigh
You can't deny who you are if it's who you are meant to be.

Noreena Fallyn has spent her whole life hiding her magical abilities, even from herself, by having her mother bind her form using her so-called 'gifts'. All she wants is to be normal. She wants friends, family, a career without having magic in her life. It consumes you like an addiction. If you start to use, you can't stop until your every motion revolves around that next hit. She's seen it.

When her mother decrees that Nora has until graduation to remain bound, Nora knows that time is running out. She immerses herself in figuring out ways to detach the 'her' from 'her magic', so much so that she doesn't see what is happening all around her. And by the time tragedy strikes, it's too late.

Thrust into a new world where magic makes you who you are, can Nora find a way to keep the normalcy she craves? Or is she destined to show everyone why she hates her power so much? Why her power scares her, and why, if they were smart, they would leave her alone. But the people in her new world aren't smart. They are even less ready for the truth that her mother had tried to hide for so long: she is the most powerful of them all.

Casting Power, the first novel in Cast from Power, is now available for free preview on! If you aren't on Wattpad, try it out and discover brand a fantastic platform for sharing and discovering brand new novels from amazing immerging and well-established authors.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Time Crunching

I really want to thank everyone for being so patient. I am ALMOST done with editing Fate's Revenge. It is so hard to dedicate the time to do this as I am immersing myself back into the writing community - there are so many authors I haven't talked to in ages, not to mention all of the new and exciting books that I have missed out on over the last few years! It's hard to dedicate myself to just one task. I want to read, edit, promote, search the web... it's endless, really.

Unfortunately, I still work full time and the demands from this are getting larger as I just won an award for receiving the top mark in my designation for 2017, plus a stream of industry and company events that I am obligated to participate in (adulting can be a pain!) are pulling me in many, many directions. First and foremost - ALWAYS - the majority of my time is for my daughter. At nine-years-old, she still says, "I love you," and asks for kisses goodnight, so I don't want to miss the few years that I have left with that.

To be serious, though, I will be posting a pre-order date for Fate's Revenge soon. I am hoping this will now be weeks rather than months away as I am in the last ten chapters and then all that remains is the formatting :) The cover is done. I have read all the way to where I left off writing the final book, Fate's Escape so Fate's Disguise will be set to release shortly after Fate's Revenge while I finish the last half of Fate's Escape. I hope everyone is as excited as I am to 'finally' get the fourth instalment out into the world.


Sasha Leigh

Spiritborne (Spirit's War, #1)

Spiritborne by K.V. Wilson My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was introduced to this novel on a free platform and loved it so much, I purchased...