Sunday, 31 August 2014

10 Stages for Writing Your Novel

There are so many things that are involved in the process of writing a novel, sometimes it can seem overwhelming. But when you break down the tasks, it becomes more manageable. This doesn't mean that there is less work, only that you can think of it as a checklist--once one task is complete, you start another, and you can take pride in feeling good that you've accomplished something towards your goal. In other words, you stop feeling like there's too much to be accomplished for any one task to make a difference, and more like you're coming closer t the finish line.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

FREE - August 25-29th!

From August 25-29th Fate's Exchange will be free for downloading from Amazon! Get your copy this week, before school starts and the long weekend.
Fate's Return, Book Two in Twisted Fate, will be published in October, and Fate's Demand a couple months after that (approx. December 2014). But why wait? Join Alyssa as the journey begins now!

Spiritborne (Spirit's War, #1)

Spiritborne by K.V. Wilson My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was introduced to this novel on a free platform and loved it so much, I purchased...